the road by Cormac McCarthyi finished this novel, novella, about two weeks ago and haven't been able to formulate, exactly what it means to me and the world, having three boys changes your perspective on post apocalyptic worlds, especially young boys, who need to be carried and held, how could you possibly survive, find food and avoid monsters with a seven year old on your hand. daring you to finish the novel, when it would be easier to give up.
read the novel in one sitting, about six hours maybe less, consumed it, very engrossing, and a little terrifying.
this is our version of
Mad Maxx, Road Warrior, this is the American modern
emo vision of what the end will look like, not the eighties glam dance we all loved and could watch forever. this world is bleak, grey cold dead, hungry, suicidal, asking if you could do it, making you want to just shoot yourself and end this struggle, to give up, to know the world can't be saved, to know that tomorrow you will be hungrier, filthy and soaked with rain, with out hope or home, finally a realist view of the holocaust.
Just what we asked for.
the book is one long sentence. about a gun with two bullets, and the father constantly walking away from his obligation to kill himself and his helpless son, so they walk and push a shopping cart across American suburbs, filled with maniacs, and emptiness, and rain.
a very good book about a very sad future, or what
Cormac really thinks of us and our society, maybe we are all walking away from our decisions and our complicity in the destruction of this earth and our own children.
the arrow whispering across the road, near the end is wonderful. hopeful and hopeless at the same time, shit, i give up.