if i were a young novelist trying to write my first book of poetry this is where i would live- and the sign says FREE RADIO and access to things like bath and living rm
i'm laughing, when i snapped the pix, i didn't see that
i wish with all my heart that the city had never blacktopped over these wonderful hand laid bricks, could you imagine the expense, and man hours required, before the dreaded automobile and it's bumpy balloon tires shitty shocks and struts demanded smoothness-
i wish with all my heart that the city had never blacktopped over these wonderful hand laid bricks, could you imagine the expense, and man hours required, before the dreaded automobile and it's bumpy balloon tires shitty shocks and struts demanded smoothness-
the Seattle Taliban- grows a shit load of poppies and they all have little slice marks on them
i love this house and the fact that it has been parked in their driveway for years, up on blocks, like their working on the brakes or tranny
a little white store front- where the proprietor only sells marshmallows, milk, steamed rice, crack, cocaine, teeth, paper and cum
i don't know what this place sells- nightmares ? scabs- black plastic curtains -cardboard shoes- ?
this big tree cost the tax payers 450,000 dollars to build a fence around and a make believe recreated habitat, wet land, and still not a single frog lives in lake Washington
a very nice old style gas station, which will soon be demolished- the past is like lint to this town,
a little white store front- where the proprietor only sells marshmallows, milk, steamed rice, crack, cocaine, teeth, paper and cum
custom cherry cleaners
i want to raise my children in this building, no walls and roller skates
i don't know what this place sells- nightmares ? scabs- black plastic curtains -cardboard shoes- ?
this big tree cost the tax payers 450,000 dollars to build a fence around and a make believe recreated habitat, wet land, and still not a single frog lives in lake Washington
a very nice old style gas station, which will soon be demolished- the past is like lint to this town,
i don't know why there exists a Bob Dylan bush, but here it is.
trails to bums
stairs to air
it looks like a lovely walk so pastoral- like a snippet of Christina's world
if life was more fiction like, i could walk these stairs and go talk to god, if such a beast could exist, if life was more scifi like, i could walk these stairs to the very stars and talk to an alien god, shaped like a whale with legs and giant squidy hands- maybe she would hug me and feed me and take me home
some very nice car clutter listed below, just click on
trails to bums
stairs to air
it looks like a lovely walk so pastoral- like a snippet of Christina's world
if life was more fiction like, i could walk these stairs and go talk to god, if such a beast could exist, if life was more scifi like, i could walk these stairs to the very stars and talk to an alien god, shaped like a whale with legs and giant squidy hands- maybe she would hug me and feed me and take me home
some very nice car clutter listed below, just click on