Why nobody trusts Kiro 7 news Seattle
If anybody has some free time, post this article to every kiro7 fb page
threads. They made slanderous accusations of guilt against someone who
wasn't even charged yet with any crimes, which were later dropped due to
lack of evidence. Then they deleted the news article they originally
posted because people started pointing it out. Stay classy kiro7 (even
tho I know you can't)
And Journalists Wonder Why Anarchists Don't Trust Us to Be Fair
Posted by Brendan Kiley on Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 5:00 PM
A couple of hours ago, a King County Superior Court
judge declined to press charges against a young man named Brendan
McCormack who had been accused of vandalizing bank ATMs in the Capitol
Hill area late last year.
There was not enough evidence, the judge said, to link McCormack to the crimes, despite the prosecutor's insistence that he was a "self-proclaimed anarchist" and the vandalized bank machines had been spray-painted with the old circle-A. An anarchist does not a vandal make. (If McCormack is even an anarchist to begin with—he is an activist and has been approached and photographed by police at political demonstrations, but "self-proclaimed anarchist" are the prosecutor's words, not his.)
Earlier in the week, Seattle police officers searched McCormack's apartment looking for a skateboard helmet, some goggles, a scarf, a backpack, and other items they say they recognized from grainy, surveillance-video footage of the ATM vandal.
According to the search warrant, officers seized a backpack, a helmet, and so on from his and his roommate's apartment, as well as a crowbar, a thumb drive (containing his resume), cell phones, and a few other items.
But being seen at demonstrations and owning commonplace items that appeared in surveillance footage was not, the judge concluded, sufficient to charge McCormack with the seven counts of malicious mischief the prosecutor was after, which could have led to years in prison, as well as becoming a felon.
So far, so insignificant. But check out the way KIRO 7 handled the story:
Not only do they fall for the whole "violence is vandalism" fallacy—smashing an ATM is not violence, unless you consider people the moral equivalent of property—they repeatedly proclaim his guilt before he's even been charged.
"Henry, you came face-to-face with this guy today," says the anchor (as if a guy accused of vandalism were a tiger with rabies). "I did," reporter Henry Rossof says, "that's after we took a look at this search warrant where you can see he was caught on camera." Um, that's not what the judge said today.
Then Rossof approaches McCormack at his door, shoves a mic in his face, and states: "We were just wondering why you smashed up those banks."
That's not even a question. That's an assertion. And, again, not what the judge said this afternoon. (I spoke with Rossof on the phone this afternoon, but he would not be able to comment unless his executive editor gave the go-ahead.)
Call me old-fashioned, but a reporter assuming someone is guilty of a crime—twice—because a) the police say so, and b) he's got some unusual political affiliations seems like a problem.
And my fellow reporters wonder why anarchists (and other radicals) don't seem to like us very much.
There was not enough evidence, the judge said, to link McCormack to the crimes, despite the prosecutor's insistence that he was a "self-proclaimed anarchist" and the vandalized bank machines had been spray-painted with the old circle-A. An anarchist does not a vandal make. (If McCormack is even an anarchist to begin with—he is an activist and has been approached and photographed by police at political demonstrations, but "self-proclaimed anarchist" are the prosecutor's words, not his.)
Earlier in the week, Seattle police officers searched McCormack's apartment looking for a skateboard helmet, some goggles, a scarf, a backpack, and other items they say they recognized from grainy, surveillance-video footage of the ATM vandal.
According to the search warrant, officers seized a backpack, a helmet, and so on from his and his roommate's apartment, as well as a crowbar, a thumb drive (containing his resume), cell phones, and a few other items.
But being seen at demonstrations and owning commonplace items that appeared in surveillance footage was not, the judge concluded, sufficient to charge McCormack with the seven counts of malicious mischief the prosecutor was after, which could have led to years in prison, as well as becoming a felon.
So far, so insignificant. But check out the way KIRO 7 handled the story:
Not only do they fall for the whole "violence is vandalism" fallacy—smashing an ATM is not violence, unless you consider people the moral equivalent of property—they repeatedly proclaim his guilt before he's even been charged.
"Henry, you came face-to-face with this guy today," says the anchor (as if a guy accused of vandalism were a tiger with rabies). "I did," reporter Henry Rossof says, "that's after we took a look at this search warrant where you can see he was caught on camera." Um, that's not what the judge said today.
Then Rossof approaches McCormack at his door, shoves a mic in his face, and states: "We were just wondering why you smashed up those banks."
That's not even a question. That's an assertion. And, again, not what the judge said this afternoon. (I spoke with Rossof on the phone this afternoon, but he would not be able to comment unless his executive editor gave the go-ahead.)
Call me old-fashioned, but a reporter assuming someone is guilty of a crime—twice—because a) the police say so, and b) he's got some unusual political affiliations seems like a problem.
And my fellow reporters wonder why anarchists (and other radicals) don't seem to like us very much.
Kiro 7 news seattle owes someone an apology !
If anybody has some free time, post this article to every kiro7 fb page
threads. They made slanderous accusations of guilt against someone who
wasn't even charged yet with any crimes, which were later dropped due to
lack of evidence. Then they deleted the news article they originally
posted because people started pointing it out. Stay classy kiro7 (even
tho I know you can't)
KIRO 7 confronts self-proclaimed anarchist accused of smashing...
threads. They made slanderous accusations of guilt against someone who
wasn't even charged yet with any crimes, which were later dropped due to
lack of evidence. Then they deleted the news article they originally
posted because people started pointing it out. Stay classy kiro7 (even
tho I know you can't)
KIRO 7 confronts self-proclaimed anarchist accused of smashing...
The 13th Person ~ REPRINT
13th Person
13th woman just lost interest ! And isn't only a woman.
13th person is so depressed and embarrassed at having
just now realized that they have squandered cash, time and energy on
mindless passive viewing from couches and the hell of bars, the utter
defeat of the real life we could have collectively lived while our
loved ones.
in rags of corporate logo battle colors - chugged beer while pampered
over feed endorsed men played games on lawns in front of screens
blocking the cancelled lives we could have explored with our
13th woman/man/ is a riot ! A rioter !
destroys himself with commercial psychology product placement at home
in the car / at the office~ shitty job or apartment's front door
13th person / human sheds their jersey in choked pain w/
the realization of mistake / writ large with hangover shame.
the bedroom they are slapping their own green and blue painted
foreheads thinking “how stupid they were for going home with
this fucking meat head” with all the flags and brands and good
looks / just to be used and fucked aside, taken for our desires of
fan affinity, do it for the team in consensual rape, a need to belong
to something, Our team, our town, our dreams of some misplaced pride
in someone else victory. Nailed it !
13th Cheerleader puts on some pants and a thick sweater!
Stops shaving their legs and pits and smashes all the TVs.
all this crappy poster life / coffee mug morons / pompoms / jackets /
hats & merch
burns it all on the street.
at you and you both shrug
what ?
! Life !
channel guides hysteria
will the NFL MLB ACAB NHL and nascar do when the 13th
super fan wakes up / rejects these chains of viewing slavery ~kicks
over the television~ will they force us to watch !
13th mom doesn't care if her son wears nail polish or
that her man likes watching men fight in cages for balls ~ because
she's on the roof with a gun shooting at some-other team of fascists
13th man awakes to a new Monday morning without hangovers
without the feeling of failure because he no longer carries the
burden of statistics /spread /gambling loss to the office
downtown is on fire.
from the realization that organized team sports is not life !
Television is a mere distraction away from our stolen reality !
13th people dress in black and take back the night from
bars and clubs and friday night lights to revel in actual lives !
13th people have finally realized that they never lost a
game, never had the chance to win this game either !
game, in stadium / on screens, screamed at you, was never about you
winning but one of control and the power to make you care enough to
buy some more shit, the power of the rich and their children to own
you, your house & your kids / to become their future.
13th people stop giving their eyes away ! Stop paying to
lose their souls to money hungry thieves.
paying for the owners luxury !
send the kids to school to start it all over~ 100 yards of hard
capitalism, a lot of grass to mow !
we sit in shit and get sloppy on canned nachos wipe our faces on
division one tee shirts,
to made up gods, that fake rivalries can be decided by millions of
fans throwing pay checks at Sunday afternoon TV's, nihilists wearing
gatorade soaked uniforms of conformities enforcement.
13th women smashes all the dishes ! Fills the washer and
dryer with gasoline smiles and walks outside sitcoms !
outside, the wife, the kids, the men gather and chant, armed with
nothing but their own innate total freedom.
take buses and trains, ride bikes and complain about the rain while
they walk to real life adventures
without edit, script or producer control.
anger erupts from being a billboard/ a sign / an advertising medium,
anger of being duped and used cheated out of our time and limited
resources, buy professional capitalist exploiters !
not angry because they lost, there was nothing to win or lose ! This
was a no stakes charade !
to the streets !
13th people are angry because all their dreams turned out
to be a fraud a fake-out Ponzi scheme.
wont be getting a fat check, a ring or the chance to run around with
trophies screaming !
this game ends and the screens are muted- never allowed off !
the mess is vacuumed ~the drunks hosed off, the trucks crashed, the
cities paved in glass and flame, we find each other on hilltops~
overlooking the new world ~ only then we can paint our faces and
scream, and cheer because we finally won And are really free !
teams are all of us, the stadium a forest, the hills our home, the
glorified players~our children !
a constant state of replay ! Highlighting some perfect attainment !
people rise up !
simply Turn off the fucking TV !
the phone on to the fire !
toward strangers hold out a hand and say hello.
thirteen !
You can't brush children under the rug ! Reprint from Creativity not Control !
“You can’t brush this under the fucking rug!”
5 Jan
Those are the words shouted by an opponent of juvenile incarceration while being arrested for protesting against the new $210 Million Dollar Juvenile Detention Facility
on New Years Eve. Surprisingly, KOMO TV aired this statement in
addition to their typical narrative of “purposeless troublemakers
arrested by valiant SPD officers”. (See their interpretation of the events here at KOMOnews.com)
On New Years Eve, a group of over
100 protesters and activists met for a “Noise Demo” at the Juvenile
Detention Center on 12th and Alder. The purpose of a noise demo is to
show those locked inside that not everyone is willing to let them be brushed under the rug.
The assembled group wanted the children locked inside to know that
people outside were thinking about them and were willing to risk police
intimidation, brutality, and even arrest in order to challenge the
current system of youth incarceration.From the outset, the event was festive, with a cacophony of pots and pans, 5 gallon drums, metal plates and spoons, a marching band, and even a light show!! Unfortunately, the Seattle Police chose to escalate and harass the crowd. At one point, SPD officers repeatedly charged their vehicles directly at protesters, ironically attempting to run over people holding a sign stating “COPS KILL”. (Note that 6 of the 29 shooting deaths in 2013 were by SPD officers.) Although garbage cans were carefully positioned to help protect the marchers from the menacing police vehicles, the continued police harassment of the crowd eventually resulted in the arrest of several individuals.
Beyond the police/protester narrative there are two points that are critical to framing this incident:
Target Audience: The primary audience for this action was not the typical white, upper middle-class, “liberal democrat” that would likely judge this action as “too radical”. This was a message that was aimed at the children that are currently being incarcerated as well as those that have been and those that are statistically likely to be. It has been confirmed directly that these types of events create a genuine emotional response and positive social connection. It means something to them to know there are people out there who really care about what is happening to them and want to stop it.
Focus on Youth Incarceration: The purpose of the action was to draw attention to the MASSIVE $210 million dollar CHILD PRISON that is being built with our tax dollars at 12th and Alder. Every one of those dollars could be spent on education and prevention programs, but instead they are creating a facility that will TRIPLE the existing capacity. Our city is investing heavily in continuing the school to prison pipeline rather than disrupting or dismantling it.
While this type of action might not be a tactic that everyone actively participates in, we are ALL responsible for not letting the issue of Youth Incarceration be swept under the rug.
We will post more on this over time, and encourage others
to contribute articles on this subject. In the meantime, here is a
brief history of youth incarceration from a fellow comrade:
Juvenile detention was invented
in this country in 1899 which was soon following the time society
invented the concept of a childhood. Children were just small adults
getting skills together before that. When the juvie was first invented
it had a Progressive theme to it for the times, i.e. it was slightly on
the compassionate side and used the new sciences like sociology, weak as
they were, to give kids a rehabilitative chance. Or at least they
thought they were. So things got progressively worse for kids caught up
in the system, and precipitously worse in the past ten or 20 years with
respect to the new consensus of punitive moralizing, micro-managing
probation, harsher sentencing, and most of all eliminating consideration
of root causes for behaviors. However, especially here in the NW, the
numbers being incarcerated have been going down. Only 50 to 75 are
inmates at any one time. King County has voted to build, for $210
million, a new juvie center that will house 154 children. This plan has
not taken into consideration further reducing the population through
other programs. They want to be prepared for doubling and tripling
incarceration. They do callously say that if there are excess “living
halls” that they will house “homeless” children in them. There is an
organization called Washington Incarceration Stops Here that is organizing to stop the building. (Facebook page)
What goes up, must come down, burn prisons to the ground !
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i really wish this lunch room was open |
NYC Noise demo where we spent the new years eve |
in solidarity with all prisoners ! |
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a very good friendly crowd |
& A C A B ! |
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where i celebrated a straightedge midnight |
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alone and waiting for trains |
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to bring me to you my love |
NE!L~ against the state ! it's prisons ! it's oppression FTP !
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