Nationalism: Space exploration is statist

4.      Nationalism: Space exploration is statist 
Planting the American flag on the moon was controversial back in 1969, as no nation is permitted to claim territory in outer space. There was talk of a United Nations flag being used instead, but it was ultimately decided to use the stars and stripes to serve as a proud symbol of American achievement.
The newest film, First Man, about the moon landings fails to show this planting of the USA flag, which is now causing a controversy.
-Inside edition staff

This is total lunacy. And a disservice at a time when our people need reminders of what we can achieve when we work together. The American people paid for that mission, on rockets built by Americans, with American technology and carrying American astronauts. It wasn’t a UN mission. 
Marco Rubio August 31, 2018

Rubio is wrong!

The entire project was actually built by the Nazis, who only built it within the US to save their own asses and because of a shared hatred of the communist Russians, 

The Nazis built these rockets in the first place to attack the UK and punish the British people who had tried to interfere with Germany’s land grabs to the east and to the west at the beginning of World War II. 

Thus, the first modern spacecraft were developed because the Nazis couldn’t bomb the shit out of England with their reduced air force. So the Nazis developed the first spaceships, the Vengeance bombs, lifted straight out of Golden Age pulp science fiction and art. 

These spacecrafts were built to silently terrorize a civilian population from the air. 

Space exploration, and the wars and space race that spawned it, began at the feet of military necessity. Space exploration has perpetuated the past 500 years of state power dynamics and shifts in state control of land, resources, and domestication of peoples.

These projects culminated in the modern International Space Station (ISS). The ISS has never meant to represent the people of the earth as a species without flags and borders. Instead, the “International” in this case merely means superpowers expressing their unbridled domination over all of us. The evidence is in who flies their flags over the structure, who controls the approach, access, and egress. The word “International” merely means the USA and the Russian Federation: the nations with all the bombs, all the history of genocide and oppression. The International Space Station can be viewed as a gatekeeper and an extension of border walls keeping us, the undesirables, from leaving or ever coming back. The ISS represents control of all resources, all commodities terrestrial and extraterrestrial. Forever.

Capitalist planners, businessmen, and investment bankers have already mapped out, catalogued, and monetized the asteroids. It turns out that the value of rare earth minerals and rare earth elements contained in the asteroids equals about 100 billion US dollars per person of the entire population of earth. This is why when people speak of space, they always mention asteroid mining. Out of this comes venture sci-fi and this crazed, greedy lust for space travel. It is always about the money. Follow the money.
Protect the investments. 
Commodify the dream.

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