the future isn't within city walls
i stare at wake / i stay awake
the city fades into the cold /cloud cover
toward adventure~ this little lady pulled up with kids and mom driving. . . yeah . . . i love Adventurewagons / on actual adventures
i turn around and see a log jam wonderland and the glory of Rocky with a fire and campsite
we paddle out to face, as i crest the shore pound /a huge sea lion killing a giant salmon, slapping it back and forth smacked onto the water with blood and guts flying~ staring me down, i paddle away from the horror
there are no shoulders to these waves, just a cold lust
we judge them
a left ? a right ? a curtain wall of a black closeout
mandatory surfboards in the wilderness shot
black sands and pure white high tide doom
the cold and the wet greet us to a spring flat fling
wienie bake w/ campfire tea
those mounds of scrap wood and brush / will be torched in November of some year
old stumps make you cry as you drive home
this clear cut is ten years old ~
this is what the forests of today look like
loggers and their rock monuments / usually much larger
you could just see the beauty of the west / and not document the damage
Speaking of stumps---in Ireland they have these fabulous round towers (where the monks used to hide out when the Vikings came by) and I've visited many of them. Some are in great shape; some not. The remains of the ones that have fallen down are usually about 10 or 12 feet high with weeds all around. The Irish call them Stumps. I like that. Although, of course, it's sad.