Land Defense and Class Struggle: The Red-Green Alliance
Environmental destruction is the most urgent and immediate problem we face. If we don’t solve it, nothing else will matter. Capitalism converts raw materials (life) into commodities through the exploitation of labor. Because of its compulsion to constantly expand, capitalism will never be sustainable. The common ruin of contending classes is becoming increasingly likely. Yet as the economic and ecological crises converge, the possibility of liberation and social transformation also opens up — but only if we organize to make that happen.
Overthrow Dictatorship or Perfect Democracy? A Discussion Between the Commons and Get Money out of Politics
This panel will feature a variety of perspectives on how to change society, democracy, and the economy, or how to foment revolution. How, in the current moment, do we build movements? How do we interact with electoral politics? And how do we make an actually better world? This panel will engage in discussing capitalism and reform, the Democratic Party, democracy and rising movements. It aims to have dialog and debate on a variety of perspectives, revealing commonality and disagreements within Occupy.
Class Struggle: Organizing Across Student/ Worker Lines at Educational Institutions
How can students and workers organize together in ways conducive to their common liberation? How can we build together in ways that do not reinforce or expand systems of oppression? How can we immunize ourselves against the divide and conquer strategies of bosses, administrators, and politicians that would otherwise have us fighting each other for the best scraps from them? How can we fight austerity measures in education (K-12 and higher ed.) in ways that recognize and respect all struggles as interconnected, including within and outside of institutions of education? This workshop will attempt provide some initial working answers to the above questions as well as open space for continued discussions and collaborations surrounding struggles in education.
Mainstream gay politics have evolved from a culture of fighting the status quo and liberation to a phenomenon obsessed with assimilation and corporatism. The very issues that politicians would prefer us to focus on, from marriage equality to Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal have proven to be a distraction that does disservice to the issues that actually affect queer people of color and lower class youth, stifling the voices of queers who do not choose to assimilate. How do we inject radicalism back into the LGBT community?
Workshop Tent A
Police and the State
Counter Insurgency Against Occupy – Entrapment, police raids, co-optation, and media smear campaigns. What’s the logic and history behind it and what to do?
Rose City Copwatch - What does safety, justice, and accountability look like without the police and the white-supremacist state?
Beyond the Ruckus: Fighting White Supremacy to Defeat It; the Legacy of Bring the Ruckus – Bring the Ruckus was a revolutionary org. in the US for 8 years. Learn it’s history.
Occupy / Decolonize Personal Safety: A Self-Defense Seminar – Self-defense and martial arts seminar with Greg Lewis… Wake up God Damnit!
Workshop Tent B
Report Backs
“Either we Invent, or we Err”: Looking at Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution. How do we radically deconstruct, while at the same time, create and sustain revolutionary growth?
Fork in the Road: The Path to Revolution through Investigation - Report back from Savannah, GA, the site of the first urban uprising of the ‘60s and the hometown of Troy Davis.
What now? Lessons from Occupy and Greece’s Revolutionary Movement – Winter Has It’s End, a revolutionary news service, reports on investigations in Greece.
Occupy and Class Struggle - From Oakland, working class struggle and organizing in Occupy.
Workshop Tent C
Skill Shares, Training
People’s Community Medics - Formed in Oakland to give first responder skills to communities due to racist, slow response of ambulances. History & training to be shared.
Occupy Oakland Foreclosure Defense Group – Occupy Oakland organizers will speak on the political terrain encountered in Oakland, their successes, analysis, & experience.
Queer and Feminist Organizing at Occupy Oakland - Will examine the strengths and weaknesses of a community of feminist/queer vigilantism.
How to Prepare for Radical Eco-Action - Workshop will cover forming affinity groups, security culture
Workshop Tent D
Theory, Strategy
Anti-imperialism and Struggles for Self-Determination within the US Empire: the Jackson-Kush Plan as a Model of Decolonization
SEASOL-Direct Action Gets The Goods - Seattle Solidarity Network organizers talk about experience and strategy for building mutual aid networks through direct action.
Occupied Media: Communicating the Rebellion - On the role of people’s media in radical movements. Presenters from the Occupied Wall Street Journal, All Power to the Positve, and Occupy Seattle Livestream.
Queer Theory, Colonization and Gentrification: A Radical History of Seattle
Workshop Tent E – Open Your Mind
Intro to Theatre of the Oppressed - Developed in Brazil by Augusto Boal and practiced in social movements around the world as a process for community dialogue, reflection, and action.
Free U: Abolish Education to Liberate Creation - Why should we have to go through school? Train to serve job market that we don’t control? Shape ourselves to the will of people who don’t care about us in order to live? We shouldn’t and we don’t have to!
Religion and Revolution - Are religion and revolution incompatible or interdependent? How does spirituality intersect with radicalism? Join activist clergy and laypeople from various spiritual traditions in a panel presentation and discussion of social revolution as a religious practice.
Meeting and Defeating Attacks by the Police: A Discussion with Targeted Activists -This panel will dig into the experiences and strategies of several activists who have faced repression and threats for their political work.
Environmental destruction is the most urgent and immediate problem we face. If we don’t solve it, nothing else will matter. Capitalism converts raw materials (life) into commodities through the exploitation of labor. Because of its compulsion to constantly expand, capitalism will never be sustainable. The common ruin of contending classes is becoming increasingly likely. Yet as the economic and ecological crises converge, the possibility of liberation and social transformation also opens up — but only if we organize to make that happen.
Overthrow Dictatorship or Perfect Democracy? A Discussion Between the Commons and Get Money out of Politics
This panel will feature a variety of perspectives on how to change society, democracy, and the economy, or how to foment revolution. How, in the current moment, do we build movements? How do we interact with electoral politics? And how do we make an actually better world? This panel will engage in discussing capitalism and reform, the Democratic Party, democracy and rising movements. It aims to have dialog and debate on a variety of perspectives, revealing commonality and disagreements within Occupy.
Class Struggle: Organizing Across Student/ Worker Lines at Educational Institutions
How can students and workers organize together in ways conducive to their common liberation? How can we build together in ways that do not reinforce or expand systems of oppression? How can we immunize ourselves against the divide and conquer strategies of bosses, administrators, and politicians that would otherwise have us fighting each other for the best scraps from them? How can we fight austerity measures in education (K-12 and higher ed.) in ways that recognize and respect all struggles as interconnected, including within and outside of institutions of education? This workshop will attempt provide some initial working answers to the above questions as well as open space for continued discussions and collaborations surrounding struggles in education.
Mainstream gay politics have evolved from a culture of fighting the status quo and liberation to a phenomenon obsessed with assimilation and corporatism. The very issues that politicians would prefer us to focus on, from marriage equality to Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal have proven to be a distraction that does disservice to the issues that actually affect queer people of color and lower class youth, stifling the voices of queers who do not choose to assimilate. How do we inject radicalism back into the LGBT community?
Workshop Tent A
Police and the State
Counter Insurgency Against Occupy – Entrapment, police raids, co-optation, and media smear campaigns. What’s the logic and history behind it and what to do?
Rose City Copwatch - What does safety, justice, and accountability look like without the police and the white-supremacist state?
Beyond the Ruckus: Fighting White Supremacy to Defeat It; the Legacy of Bring the Ruckus – Bring the Ruckus was a revolutionary org. in the US for 8 years. Learn it’s history.
Occupy / Decolonize Personal Safety: A Self-Defense Seminar – Self-defense and martial arts seminar with Greg Lewis… Wake up God Damnit!
Workshop Tent B
Report Backs
“Either we Invent, or we Err”: Looking at Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution. How do we radically deconstruct, while at the same time, create and sustain revolutionary growth?
Fork in the Road: The Path to Revolution through Investigation - Report back from Savannah, GA, the site of the first urban uprising of the ‘60s and the hometown of Troy Davis.
What now? Lessons from Occupy and Greece’s Revolutionary Movement – Winter Has It’s End, a revolutionary news service, reports on investigations in Greece.
Occupy and Class Struggle - From Oakland, working class struggle and organizing in Occupy.
Workshop Tent C
Skill Shares, Training
People’s Community Medics - Formed in Oakland to give first responder skills to communities due to racist, slow response of ambulances. History & training to be shared.
Occupy Oakland Foreclosure Defense Group – Occupy Oakland organizers will speak on the political terrain encountered in Oakland, their successes, analysis, & experience.
Queer and Feminist Organizing at Occupy Oakland - Will examine the strengths and weaknesses of a community of feminist/queer vigilantism.
How to Prepare for Radical Eco-Action - Workshop will cover forming affinity groups, security culture
Workshop Tent D
Theory, Strategy
Anti-imperialism and Struggles for Self-Determination within the US Empire: the Jackson-Kush Plan as a Model of Decolonization
SEASOL-Direct Action Gets The Goods - Seattle Solidarity Network organizers talk about experience and strategy for building mutual aid networks through direct action.
Occupied Media: Communicating the Rebellion - On the role of people’s media in radical movements. Presenters from the Occupied Wall Street Journal, All Power to the Positve, and Occupy Seattle Livestream.
Queer Theory, Colonization and Gentrification: A Radical History of Seattle
Workshop Tent E – Open Your Mind
Intro to Theatre of the Oppressed - Developed in Brazil by Augusto Boal and practiced in social movements around the world as a process for community dialogue, reflection, and action.
Free U: Abolish Education to Liberate Creation - Why should we have to go through school? Train to serve job market that we don’t control? Shape ourselves to the will of people who don’t care about us in order to live? We shouldn’t and we don’t have to!
Religion and Revolution - Are religion and revolution incompatible or interdependent? How does spirituality intersect with radicalism? Join activist clergy and laypeople from various spiritual traditions in a panel presentation and discussion of social revolution as a religious practice.
Meeting and Defeating Attacks by the Police: A Discussion with Targeted Activists -This panel will dig into the experiences and strategies of several activists who have faced repression and threats for their political work.
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