Apollo 11
1969 was a million years ago viewed from the street level of class war, urban uprisings, student communes and rioting, from youth moving to the country to hide out and build the damaged children who would become your parents. 1969 is like a song that makes you so frightened and curious, that you lay awake at childhood nights, crying with a longing to be within its folds.
It is a great song for cities on fire and the ambush of patrol cars, of guerrilla war, of prison & revolutions !
1969 was the end of the world.
It was Woodstock for white youth, samo ghetto for people of color, only this year, with armed insurrections. CoInTelPro and state violence..
1969 was the end of the world for the vietnamese people. More than 1 million people would die fighting against US invasion and bombings in North Vietnam.
That is men, women and children.
Who weren’t able to watch the shitty blurred images of footsteps on the moon, because they were holding guns and shooting down our airplanes, soldiers, and collaborators.
1969 was carpet bombing and agent orange defoliated forests for the vietcong.
To make the surface of indochina become the dead surface of earth’s moon, to match the cities of Newark, Detroit, and Watts, bombed with poverty and racism.
Still smoldering, still rebelling..
Footsteps tripping explosives. Across history to distract us from the revolution,
The stonewall riots, the anti-war movement.
Fifty years of war, racism and prisons.
Which drops us to the doorway of the year 2019 and the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landings.
NASA putting men on the lunar surface. Of NASA putting boots on to our ancestral wonder and awe. This cycling of birth, tide, and flow, through all of phases of season, life, sanity, womb,
and Moon.
1969 was a piece of shit named Apollo.
Like a bullet to the face of history.
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