The architecture firm handling the land use where my art show was sitting, passed me the number for SSCC* the college apparently owns the empty lot~

i called them, and they told me, that they had to put the show away because the dean was coming over with the suits in tow and they weren't sure of the meaning of bombs, and my subject matter,
they were all so nice to me, they walked me over to their garage~ where they had stored my paintings~ very carefully
i felt like a little shit, making them take the show down and all
next time i'll put my phone number on the back, not just my website,
thanks Ariel, and to all the very nice polite, people at the college

now, my coolant spewing, rust bucket, rainroof attack art van is once again stuffed full of paintings

the city of Seattle has empty pockets, a blown budget and it's underwear is showing, very old classy underwear

really cool aggregate bench with volcanic pathetic landscaping~ dormant

words of wisdom~ folks

greatest front porch in Seattle,
no, the world, this should be the cover of Martha Stewart Magazine
THE PAINTINGS ARE SAFE AT HOME and i can sleep tonight what a relief
next show, this Sunday, more drama, tears, joy, laughter, and splinters
*south seattle community college
Hooray! And yes I agree, someone call Ms. Stewart about that cover please.